About Skólamatur
Social responsibility

Skólamatur takes its social responsibility seriously and contributes to them. The company works in harmony with its environment and places great emphasis on environmental protection. For example, food waste is kept to a minimum. All organic waste is weighed and recorded, the statistics are used to minimise waste and organic waste is disposed of appropriately. All food that is collected and cannot be used is donated to Family Help Iceland.

Food waste
Skólamatur is very much about living in harmony with the environment and nature, and a strong emphasis is placed on minimising food waste.
Skólamatur sorts all its trash and returns the separated items to the garbage reception. In purchases, it is emphasised that packaging is made of recyclable material and disposable products are kept to a minimum.
Staff are well informed and knowledgeable about food handling and proper portioning where applicable. They receive instructions on how to cut e.g. vegetables and fruits, how to serve food to minimise waste and how best to serve food with regard to food waste.
All useful food leftovers are handed over to Family Help Iceland, which forwards them to families in need.

Skólamatur supports the various charities, either through direct grants, food donations or other methods.
Skólamatur has a good and successful relationship with Family Help Iceland, and all useful food leftovers are put in their hands and then passed on to families in need.

Skólamatur strongly supports sports clubs in its local environment in various ways, for example with food donations and grants.
Skólamatur support various sports and youth activities, and the main target group is children and teenagers.