About Skólamatur

“For the most important people” is our motto at Skólamatur, and we focus on producing healthy and nutritious meals for the most important people. Skólamatur’s goal is to meet the constantly changing expectations of our customers. Our customers are households, municipalities and students.
The values of Skólamatur are positivity, family and respect.

Environmental policy
Skólamatur places great emphasis on living in harmony with one’s environment and nature. Efforts are being made to minimise food waste, and a strong emphasis is placed on sorting and recycling. Organic waste is weighed in all canteens served by Skólamatur, and the information is recorded in daily reports that are used in purchasing decisions. Skólamatur sorts all its waste that is generated in its production kitchen and returns the separated waste to a waste reception. It is emphasised that packaging is made of recyclable material and purchased disposable products are kept to a minimum. Active product management (logistics) promotes environmentally friendly practices. Products are e.g. bought in large units and transported to the production kitchen in a few trips. Driving routes and driving styles are planned with the aim of minimising the use of fossil fuels. We always use environmentally certified soaps and cleaning agents that are used sparingly, but sensibly. Staff are well aware of the use of cleaning agents and attend annual courses on such use.

Human resources policy
Human resources policy takes into account Skólamatur’s values, which are positivity, respect and family. All Skólamatur staff have a voice within the company and belong to Skólamatur’s family.
The aim of Skólamatur is to follow the equality and equal pay policy and to promote the well-being of the staff.
People respect each other, and we approach all projects with positivity.

Equality policy
It is Skólamatur’s policy that employees work in a spirit of co-operation and thus always show their colleagues courtesy and respect in communication. All staff have the right to be treated with respect and not be subject to gender-based or sexual harassment. The complicity of employees in such cases is also condemned.
A job that is available for application must be open equally to women, men and people with gender-neutral registration in the national register. Special emphasis is placed on having an equal position of the sexes in positions of management and influence.

Skólamatur’s equal pay policy is an integral part of the pay policy and applies to all employees of the company. The equal pay policy must meet the relevant criteria for equal pay policies in accordance with ÍST 85:2012, section 4.2. Skólamatur complies with the provisions of Act No. 150/2020 on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender and stipulates goals and measures to guarantee Skólamatur’s staff the rights stated in Article 6 of the law.
Skólamatur pays a salary that takes into account the requirements of the job in terms of education, competence and responsibility. It is Skólamatur’s policy that all employees enjoy equal wages and the same benefits and rights for the same or equally valuable work, so that there is no gender-based wage gap at the company. Regarding the definition of wages and benefits, refer to paragraphs 9 and 10, Article 2 and Article 19 of the aforementioned Act. Skólamatur complies with all relevant laws, rules and collective agreements in force at any given time. Salary decisions must be transparent, objective and well-reasoned.
In order to implement the equal pay policy, Skólamatur undertakes to document, implement, maintain and continuously improve the management of the equal pay system in accordance with the requirements of the standard ÍST 85 and determine how its requirements will be met. Skólamatur has implemented a procedure and defined criteria for determining wages, where everyone is paid for their work based on its value, regardless of gender, gender identity or other irrelevant reasons.
The HR manager is responsible for the implementation of the policy.
Approved by Skólamatur’s Board on 14 October 2021

Privacy policy
Electronic monitoring
Skólamatur’s premises are monitored electronically with surveillance cameras and an access control system for security and asset protection purposes. These are video recordings without sound.
During the monitoring, special attention is paid to maintaining proportionality and not going beyond what is necessary to respect the right to privacy of those who are being monitored. The monitoring is carried out only for clear, objective and legitimate purposes.
Cameras are installed outside the premises of Skólamatur at Iðavelli 1-3 and in public areas inside the building where monitoring is deemed necessary. Locations are identified by signage placed prominently in each monitoring area. Secret recordings are strictly prohibited.