History of Skólamatur

Skólamatur ehf. is a family business that specialises in the production and serving of fresh and healthy food for children in kindergartens and elementary schools.
The company Skólamatur ehf. was founded in January 2007, but before that, Matarlyst ehf. had run school lunches as a single unit within the company. The company is owned by Axel Jónsson, a chef who has decades of experience in the catering business. Axel’s interest began to focus on hot school meals after his seat on the school board of Keflavíkurbær in 1990. Based on his experience, he developed a business idea that became a reality in 1999 when he started offering children in kindergartens and primary schools healthy meals, especially intended for energetic kids who need nutritious food in the rush of the day. Now Axel’s children have taken over from their father and run the company Skólamatur. Jón Axelsson is the managing director, and Fanný Axelsdóttir is the human resources and communications manager.
At Skólamatur, around 170 employees work at 85 establishments in the southwest corner of Iceland. The company’s employee turnover is low and seniority is high. Roughly half of the current employees have worked for the company for five years or more. Skólamatur focuses on creating a family-friendly work environment where the skills, knowledge and experience of each employee can be enjoyed. Emphasis is placed on lifelong learning and education and that employees have the opportunity to strengthen and develop in their work.
For the most important people

Skólamatur is a family business that specialises in the production and serving of meals for the most important people. Most of our customers are kindergarten and elementary school-age students.
At Skólamatur works a close-knit group of people who are passionate about producing and serving healthy and tasty meals for students so that they have energy for play and work. Skólamatur places an overemphasis on the freshness of the ingredients. Menus are elaborate and well put together and meet the recommendations of the National Health Service on the nutrition of children of kindergarten and primary school age. Skólamatur uses only high-quality ingredients and all meat, fish and potatoes are from recognised Icelandic producers. All meals are free of MSG and trans fatty acids.
Skólamatur is constantly looking for ways to do better. If you have an idea on how we can improve further, we encourage you to drop us a line at skolamatur@skolamatur.is